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Đáp án 'bài tập về đại từ nhân xưng'

(VTC News) -

Bạn sẽ dùng từ ''They", "You" hay "We" trong câu sau "______can never be sure whether our perceptions are correct".

1. _____like beer a lot in England.

a) They

2. Reading can help to expand_____ imagination.

c) your

3.______can never be sure whether our perceptions are correct.

c) We 

4. It is very difficult to put_____ in somebody else's shoes.

b) oneself

5. Every person should be held responsible for_____own actions.

c) their

6. If someone calls, tell____I'll be back in an hour.

b) them

7. In a place like this,_____never know where danger could come from.

a) you

8. One must think of_____in certain situations.

a) oneself

9. I don't believe anyone when_____tell me how good____are at something.

c) they/they

10._____have opened a new restaurant in the town centre.

b) They

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